Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Happenings

We have been really busy getting ready for Christmas this year! Emma is enjoying every aspect of the preparations, while Mommy is running around trying to get everything done before we leave to meet our families in Park City Utah. Last weekend, we went to the local tree lot and picked out a great Christmas tree. Emma wanted to choose the "her size" trees which were about 2 feet tall, but we compromised with a 6 footer that was full and easy to decorate. We did not take any pictures of our tree yet, so stay tuned
The weather here is in the 50's and 60's, and we have gotten some rain, so a lot of our flowers are coming back to life after a dry summer.

Emma smells a rose in our back yard
While we decorated our tree, we pulled out the candy canes and Emma got her first taste...

Needless to say, they were a hit!
On Monday, we made Gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. Emma then proceeded to use the candy as potty treats for the rest of the week.

Emma poses with her house

On Thursday night, we went to the most amazing Nativity event we had ever seen. A church in our area actually recreates Bethlehem and you walk through the the town and events as if you were there. To see more about it go to
Here are some pictures from our experience...

With a Roman Soldier

Emma signs her name for the census

Dancing in the streets

Soldiers break up the party

The Stable

Mary and Joseph in the manger scene

The Wise men bring their gifts
Emma was enthralled throughout the show and she loved all the animals.
This week are in Christmas Cookie making mode. We have made 5 different kinds of cookies to give to Emma's preschool and sunday school teachers. Emma has had fun making and decorating all the different kinds of cookies and she can't wait to share them! Hope you all are having a happy holiday season!