Monday, April 6, 2009

One Last trip before Ian comes!

Last weekend we decided to take one last vacation before baby Ian arrives. We drove about and hour and a half south to the town of Monterey for some fun and relaxation. On Friday, we went to the aquarium so Emma could see the otters and penguins.

The otters were showing off a bit

Emma in a penguin egg
We found a great bar-b-que place for lunch. Dan thought this sign was pretty entertaining for some reason

It was pretty windy on Friday and our resort was built on Sand Dunes, so we did not spend a whole lot of time outside, but on Saturday we had breakfast in Carmel and then did a little walking/hiking in a park nearby.

Emma and Daddy go up for a better view

The rugged landscape

Emma and Mommy

The park was full of Cypress Tree.

Emma wanted a picture of herself climbing on the rocks

A profile shot of Ian.. Dan thought we could hike him out...It didn't work

Around every corner was another beautiful view

The family of three.... soon to be four
On Sunday, we drove back home, stopping in Santa Cruz for some great pasta. Emma and I are hanging low today. She has a little cold... maybe from swimming in the "heated pool" at the resort in 60 degree weather??? She is hiding easter eggs in the backyard for me to find right now, so more updates later.


AO said...

These are so cute! Ahhhh those last strenuous weeks of being pregnant. We will pray for you for a smooth delivery...and smooth adjustments at home in the months to come. :)

I was born just a few miles from Monterrey and we were stationed there twice. Beautiful! That aquarium was always a highlight when I was a kid.

Scott Family Fun said...

I've been waiting for some Ian pictures! You look great! Can't wait to see all FOUR of you in a month!

The Farells said...

You look great Sara! I can't believe Ian is almost here. Hang in there!