Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Firefighters come to Visit

Last Wednesday, Emma's school had it's first "reverse field trip" . Because of transportation issues, Emma's school does not do field trips, but they do bring in community helpers throughout the year. So even though it was not a school day for Emma, we headed off the meet the firefighters.

The morning started off with a fire safety lesson and a fun book about what to do in a fire

Then we headed outside where some of the firefighters had brought their truck for the children to check out

One of Emma's new friends

Emma had to come by and make sure Ian was okay

One of the firefighters put on all his gear to show the children what he looks and sounds like.

They got to go and touch hims to show that he was not scary

Then it was time to go climb into the fire truck. Emma was a little worried so she found her teacher for support

Going into the truck

Coming out the other side

All smiles
We had a fun time and Emma learned a lot about fire safety