Monday, May 10, 2010

Easter 2010....Rewind

I have been really bad about blogging and taking pictures lately. My only excuse is that Ian has been sick for about 2 and a half weeks and no one wants to see or hear about a grouchy, snotty noses boy! Thankfully Ian did not share the germs and the rest of us stayed healthy. :) Also, in all my preparations for Ian's birthday, I neglected to write about our great Easter trip to Northern Virginia! Dan had a conference in Singapore for the week after Easter and Emma was out of school, so instead of taking the long plane ride to the far east, I decided to brave it for the shorter (but still long with 2 kids by yourself) flight East to Virginia. We stayed with Nana and B-pa and had a great time visiting friends and family!
On the Saturday before Easter, Emma and Ian got to go to 2 easter egg hunts. The first was being held by our former Sunday school class...

Emma cleaned up at the egg hunt

But she did share a few with Ian
The second egg hunt was at my parent's church. There was a giant inflatable slide as well as games, too.

Emma shared some of her prizes with Ian, too
After the egg hunts, Emma got to color some easter eggs

and have a tea party....

With g-pa

On Easter Sunday, we went to church with Nana and G-pa

Ian all dressed up

Emma in her Easter dress

After naps, we headed off the lake in my parent's neighborhood to play at the beach. I was not sure how Ian would like the sand and the water....But he Loved it!

Standing with Nana

Testing the water


Emma had a great time, too
On Monday, we visited with our friends, the Scotts. Emma got to hold new baby William

She also had a great time playing with her good friend Sydney
We also got to visit one of my friends who had twins in October. We had a great lunch and then some playtime

Emma had a great time playing with the girls and has now asked if she can have a baby sister. I am sorry to tell her that the answer is a definite no :)
We also go to visit with Great Grandma and Aunt Connie and Uncle Brad for a few days, too. We had a wonderful trip! Thank you Nana and G-pa for putting up and entertaining up for the week