Friday, December 17, 2010

Emma's School Christmas Program

Emma has been really excited about her school Christmas Concert. Her bible teacher, Ms Logan does and excellent job telling the Christmas Story with the children acting it out and then leading the children in fun Christmas songs.

This is Ms. Logan, director extraordinaire.
Emma also kept a little secret from us.... May I present to you,

Wise Man Number 3! Emma had a part in the play and kept it as a surprise to us.
Here is the Christmas story as told by preschoolers:

Mary and Joseph were visited by angels to tell them about Jesus (Emma's good friend Marissa played Mary)

Baby Jesus was born in a Manger

An angel tells the shepherds about the baby Jesus

The shepherds go to see the baby Jesus

Here come the Wise men from afar

Emma told me later that her Wise men costume was a little big :)

The Wise men offer their gifts to the baby Jesus

Look here comes everyone!

Singing "Away in the Manger"
There was a quick costume change and then on with the concert

This was "Feliz Navidad" with the 2's class playing the Maracas

Emma was really good with the hand motions

We were so proud of Emma's performance!