Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

After leaving Jamaica, we flew to Virginia and had a great time visiting with family and friends. On Wednesday, Emma and Mommy went to visit our friends, the Scotts. The girls played really well together, and we got to meet Sydney's new baby sister, Sophie. Emma and Sydney also got to make a special Blessing Mix for Thanksgiving.

Stirring up the "Blessing Mix"
On Thursday, we had a relaxing Thanksgiving Day with family. Uncle David, Aunt Kathy, and Cousin Erin were driving through to North Carolina, so we got to have breakfast with them. Then we had a late afternoon feast of Turkey with all the fixings

Emma supervises the carving of the turkey

Ready to pray and eat

Daddy and Emma
On Friday, Mommy and Nana did a little Christmas shopping while Daddy and G-pa did some work around the house. Then on Saturday, Daddy got to go to the Virginia Tech Game, so Emma helped decorate Nana and G-pa's Christmas Tree.

Putting the Angel on top

With help from G-pa

Putting the ornaments on

Emma really liked this branch for hanging

Admiring the finished product

Posing in front of the tree
On Sunday, we went to our old church and saw lots of old friends and then we visited more friends in the evening. We loved seeing everyone and had a great holiday week.


Sojourner said...

Hi McCloskeys! So fun to see your adventures! Will you be home in NY at all over the holidays? We're going to be home for quite a bit - so we hoped we might get to visit.

Sojourner said...

Just in case you didn't know the last comment was me ---Katie (pytlak) Spillman