Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ian Comes Home

We're home! Actually, we have been home since Monday morning and things are going really well. So far, Ian is a content baby who likes to eat and sleep.... and eat and sleep..... and eat and sleep (you get the picture). He even has given me 4 hour stretches of sleep at night in his own crib. Here are a few pictures of what been going on with Ian during our hospital stay and at home.

Chilling out at the hospital in his homemade hat

Uncle Scott was in town and got to meet Ian (Emma got in some great play time too!)

On Sunday, we decided to dress Ian in one of his Newborn outfits. Good thing we did not buy a lot of newborn... This outfit just barely fit!

Hanging out with daddy

Catching him with his eyes open

Daddy is already teaching him all about the latest in google technology

We're going home!

Emma loves having her little brother at home

Did I mention he likes to sleep?

With temperatures in the 90's, we pulled the pool out for Emma to play... Ian wasn't so sure about this...

But Emma thought that he needed some cooling off

Sleeping with Daddy

Three little monkeys in the bed

Thoughtful pose
We are really having fun with Ian and are thankful for such a calm, happy baby!