Monday, August 17, 2009

Fourth Month Old Little Man

Ian, our Little Man turned 4 months old yesterday! He had his four month doctors appointment today and after not gaining much weight his first 2 months, is now slowly climbing up the growth chart. He now weighs 13 lbs 7oz (21st percentile), he is 24 and3/4 inches (44.5th percentile) and his head circumference was 43 (71st percentile).

He does have a rather big head :)
Developmentally, Ian loves to smile, he giggles when you tickle his tummy, and he loves to coo and "talk". He is going a great job at holding his head up during tummy time

and just this week he had started rolling from his tummy to his back.
Ian loves sucking on his fingers (even more than a pacifier) and he is becoming quite the drool monster :)
He also blesses us now by sleeping from 11:00-7:30 every night.
Ian has a really easy going personality. He loves playing on his activity mat and is starting to grab onto toys. Every day we fall more in love with this little guy.

In other news, Daddy came back from Virginia sick with the flu and he decided to share it with this one....

Right after Emma enjoyed the Shaved Ice at the annual Google Picnic, she came down with a high fever and our on the go girl has pretty much been laid out on the couch for the last five days. She was diagnosed today with walking pneumonia and with the help of antibiotics should be on the mend in the next few days. Luckily, Ian and I have been spared from the yucky sickness. I have been busy packing, packing, and packing. Our move happens next week! Ian and I will be in Virginia for the weekend for a friend's baby shower and would love to see anyone who is in town :)


ARK said...

We will pray for Emma that she feels better soon. Bless her heart.