Sunday, October 25, 2009

All about Ian

Ian turned six months last week and to honor his half birthday, we got him a few new toys. But first, his six month doctor visit stats. Ian is growing like a weed. He weighed in at 17.3 pounds (46th percentile) he is almost 27 inches tall (65th percentile) and his head circumference was 45cm (84th percentile) . He is wearing some 6 month clothes, but mostly 9 month clothes because he needs the length. Ian is a really happy baby. He can now roll onto his tummy (which he does very frequently) and his newest trick is sitting up....

Look Mom.....

No hands!

So proud!
On to Ian's new toys..... We love craigslist. I have been scouring the listings for a high chair for Ian and we found the perfect one for him yesterday

For only $50.00, Ian is now eating in style.... But thats not all; the sellers threw in this baby for free:

Yes, Ian now has his very own car!

Emma was showing Ian all the options the car came with (She was like his own personal car salesman)

Ian drives while Emma checks under the hood

As you can see, with think he likes it!