Thursday, May 13, 2010

That's our Boy!

Our pediatrician keeps warning us that boys are a lot different from girls.... He says we may need to baby proof the house to a different degree than we ever did with Emma. But Ian has always seemed a lot more cautious than Emma;

Ian has always loved to play contently on his own

I love watching him push his little cars


On the floor.
Sure, he is a little bit messy...

When he eats,
But doesn't he look so cute with his newly mastered skill of

Drinking from

a sippy cup!
and look! He is starting to push his walker around more and more!

This little angel could do no wrong!

Wait....was is this?

I was only on the phone for a minute.... and back at our beloved laptop something is missing!
Who is the culprit? I interrogate the witness "Emma, do you know what happened to the letter Q????" to which she answered "Ian took it....and I think he ate it" Frantic looking ensued!
Luckily, Ian did not eat the key....

He just hid the evidence under the couch and had fun watching Mommy look for it and mentally run through emergency protocol for swallowed non-food objects!

Oh Ian, I can tell we are in for some adventures with you, little boy!


The Farells said...

Ha! I'm not sure about the boy vs. girl, but I can tell you it HAS to be a "second born" characteristic. Aubrey is crawling and is discovering things in the house that I still don't think Drew even knows they exist! :) She found the potted plant AND the dirt just yesterday. I told Drew to stop her. His answer, "What plant?" Ha! Have fun!

Mel said...

that sounds woefully familiar... check out this post on our little computer lover! the adventures will abound! :)