Tuesday, July 27, 2010

All about Ian

Ian has just turned 15 months old, so I figure it is time for another little update about what he is up to. After going to his well baby appointment last week, we found out that Ian is growing by leaps and bounds! He weighs 25 pounds (which is in the 63rd percentile) and he is a whopping 31 inches tall (which is in the 82nd percentile)!
Ian is now walking all over the place. He is not running.... yet, but he can get pretty fast when he sees something he wants, or when he is chasing Emma.
Although Ian is not saying too much yet, he is very vocal with some new instruments....He has learned how to use a kazoo and he loves walking around blowing Emma's train whistle!

He also loves drums and maracas. We are thinking of starting him on the harmonica next :)
Ian now loves to ride on the rocking horse!

He often has an extra rider on with him

We are starting to learn how to eat with utensils!

It can get a little messy at times

Emma likes to help him out sometimes!

But some food is still best picked up!

Our little baby is growing up into a toddler before our eyes!