Monday, December 23, 2013

Catching Up-November and December

We have had a busy fall with school, after school activities, and travel. Emma continues to play soccer and has now scored 3 goals for the Pixies. She is also taking Ballet this year. Ian loves preschool and will start Soccer in the spring. He also has learned to swim and always asks if the pool is open when we drive by. He can't wait until next spring to be swimming again!

In October, Dan and I went to Germany for a "work trip" we visited Munich during Octoberfest, Salzburg, Mad Ludwig's Castle, and the Christmas town of Rothenburg. We traveled to Virginia for the week of Thanksgiving and had a great time visiting with family and friends. We are staying in California for Christmas with both sets of Grandparents visiting for the holidays. Here are a few slideshows of our adventures.

And here are a few videos of our musical adventures:

Thanksgiving music with the family

Dancing in San Jose with one of our favorite children's musicians, "Mr. Peter"


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