Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Lets go to the Movies"

Emma and I had another first experience this morning. One of the local movie theaters shows free kids movies during the summer, so we ventured out to try it out. We met our friend Adam to watch "Ice Age". I thought this might be a great trial run because
1.It was a theater full of kids and
2 It was free, so if we needed to leave we would not waste any money.
Adam made it about 5 minutes into the movie and decided that it was not for him. Emma made it about 3/4 of the way though the movie before it was time to go....

That was about the time that we ran out of popcorn :)
I took a friend's suggestion and brought Emma's own booster seat to use. That way we had a tray for popcorn and she was snapped in and could not get up and down. It worked out really well. Now if only I could teach her not to talk through the whole movie. We had a running commentary throughout "Look, it's snowing", "Look, the squirrel has a nut", "Look, an Elephant".... and that was only the first five minutes...
Overall, I think we might wait to take Emma to a movie that we have to pay for :)


Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Good for you! What a great idea to bring her own seat, with the tray, genuis!

ARK said...

ha ha I just wish I could have been there to hear the commentary! How fun!